May 15

“Chicago Fire” Cast and Apparatus Filming Action with the Russian Arm

Video clip Ranking: 4 / 5

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Feb 15

Chicago Fire – Dawson Hazes the Whole Squad (Behind The Scenes)

Video clip Ranking: 4 / five

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Jan 15

Chicago Fire – The Extended #Cruzumba Cut (Digital Exclusive)

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Oct 14

Leslie Shay – Chicago Fire (3×01)

Movie Ranking: five / five

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Jun 14

Heroic Moments – Chicago Fire

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Dec 13

Sophia Bush on Chicago Fire | 11-26-13

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Aug 13

Kevin Grace Chicago Fire Premier 1

Video Rating: five / five

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Feb 13

Chicago Fire 1×13 Promo “Warm and Dead” (HD)

Video clip Ranking: four / five

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Dec 12

CHICAGO FIRE SECTION 8 November 7th 2009

Movie Ranking: 4 / 5

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Oct 12

Action – Chicago Fire

Video clip Score: three / 5

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