HIGHLIGHTS: Seattle Sounders vs Toronto FC, March 17, 2012

Online video Score: 4 / 5

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  1. portland suckz trust me

  2. I was at that game and David Estrada was amazing! Seattle Sounders forever!

  3. 5:16 – 5:28  IS EPIC 😀

  4. critical

    Americans stop now even play soccer. that’s an order. Why do not you play hocky or basketball? soccer is for the people of Brazil ok! I am a girl living the city of Rio de Janeiro and not accept it! stop soccer, I’m ordering!

  5. FantasticFranco

    You’re right, I don’t get it. So I’m guessing everything that’s fun and necessary is a business. “HEY EVERYONE, LETS STOP WATCHING MLS FOOTBALL, STOP BUYING FAST FOOD, CELL PHONES, AND CLOTHES BECAUSE THIS GUY SAYS IT’S A BUSINESS!!” … everything in the world is a business. That’s how it is, just get used to it. Even if they start losing tomorrow, I’m still gonna keep watching and I’m not the only one.

  6. i forgot to tell you about the business part. you guys have paul allen who has a net worth of 13 billion$, he invests in the sounders team and 30,000 some people come on average due to the fact that the team has winning potential. they are able to buy good players and thereby they can have success. paul allen and the sounders are a perfect example of how FOOTBALL is being destroyed and people like you just don’t see it because you are not affected by it. my team was affected by it so shut up.

  7. you are dumb! these aren’t real fans just event fans. sounders usually make the playoffs, i did not even say that they won the title you american piece of shit. you just can’t compare the usa with europe or south america and if you counter this reply than you just don’t get it.

  8. FantasticFranco

    LOL you’re so dumb. Sounders haven’t even won the title in all the years they’ve been present. Some “business” they are, huh. These are real fans.

  9. i never new americans were into football this much

  10. seattle fans suck go portland!!

  11. Haters gonna hate!

  12. Well this is Kasey Keller saying this. He’s played in the Premier league and Italian league. I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s talking about.

  13. 5dollarfootpenis

    “you don’t find a goal better than this anywhere in the world”

    I think he meant to say America

  14. can’t wait to get back to the states to watch my team! Sounders till i DIE!!!

  15. I am a HANSA ROSTOCK fan but i do think that the borussia fans are good as well. but how can you compare the fans of a team from the mls with the fans of a team in from bundesliga, 2nd bundesliga, even some teams in the 3rd league?

  16. the mls is one of the most commercialized leagues in the world just like the premiere league in england. FOOTBALL is just a big business these days. that why some teams who were better in recent decades are not as good now, just can’t keep up financially. just like my team FC HANSA ROSTOCK! AFDFCH!

  17. lol “THE SEATTLE FANS ARE AMAZING!” true! so why does it remind you of going to barcalona matches? their fans suck! o_O

  18. Estrada is representing all the Mexicans playing in the MLS. He might be my cousin.

  19. If I would live in the USA, Seattle Sounders would be my team GREAT FANS just like the fans of Borussia Dortmund in Germany (my fav. team)

  20. What a goal from Johnson GOOO TFC

  21.  am sorry, but no-one seems to have realized that Fernandez RAPED that TFC defender @ 1:20…who doz dat in the Penalty box!?!?!…#bawse

  22. Where’s the Torsten Frings class tackle in the 23′? Why isn’t that included in the highlights?

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