HIGHLIGHTS: Seattle Sounders FC vs Chivas USA | July 28th, 2013

Movie Score: four / 5

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  1. Can anyone help me to get the full video of this match plz plz??

  2. If you pause it at 6:16 you can see that Evans is ahead of the last
    defender as he takes the shot. Definitely offside.

  3. all of a sudden its the final score. if seattle is so good and chivas usa
    is so shitty shouldnt chivas have not scored in the first place?

  4. Nicolas Calderón

    Good, Chivas go home.

  5. Says the troll that has nothing better to do. If you don’t like MLS go
    somewhere else.

  6. wua hay

  7. Spencercool99/Olympia Evergreens FC

    Wait, but at 6:13 he is onside. does it count when it’s passed or when it
    hits the ground?

  8. It was a good call by the ref. when Neagle hit the ball Evans was already
    in a offside position. The offsides rule is “when the ball is hit” it
    doesn’t matter if its a pass or a shot

  9. Move Chivas USA

  10. Que partido tan comorado

  11. even in the fifa game if you do that its still offside.

  12. it’s irrelevant if it was intended to be a shot or a pass, the rule book
    says “when the ball was played”, not when the ball is passed, there is no
    exception for shots. also, because the ball only deflected off the keeper,
    and he didn’t have hold of the ball for more than a second, it means that
    technically neagle played it to him and not the keeper. sorry if thats not
    quite right, its off the top of my head

  13. Great game, but frankly, the XBox pitch is shit.

  14. It is in the rule book though, unfortunately!

  15. Not sure if that was offsides… Evans definitely looks past the ball when
    the shot is taken, but looks even with the last defender.

  16. RewindTheGamer

    It’s Evans’ positioning at the time Neagle takes the shot, doesn’t matter
    if Kennedy touches it.

  17. According to your book, teams could have strikers who hang out in the
    18-yard box, then just take a bunch of shots and get easy rebounds? It’s
    offside for sure.

  18. Task Force Member 9

    The Sounders needed more midfield confidence and they got it

  19. that is an offside because Rosales was in offside position at the time the
    shot was taken so that gave him an advantage over Dan Kennedy and Cubo
    Torres is peer Class just like Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez

  20. how does the supposed best team in MLS get scored on first by chivas usa?

  21. kertaspaper94

    It’s the final score that counts.

  22. Torres come back to guadalajara!!! :O

  23. If you took Seattle’s injured list you could almost make a competitive
    starting 11.

  24. Myles Hejmanowski

    This was the first soccer game I’ve ever been to, and let me say that it
    was one of the best sporting events I’ve ever been to. This atmosphere was
    rediculous. I hope I can go to more Sounders games in the future

  25. Yeah Yeah Yeah…I know its in the rules and all but geez…its a clear
    shot on goal and not a pass to Evans…I still don’t think it should be
    seen as an offside call.