HIGHLIGHTS: Chivas USA vs LA Galaxy, August 12, 2012

Video clip Ranking: five / 5

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  1. Dan Kennedy was literally the only reason this game wasn’t AT LEAST 6-0

  2. he fucking sucks. but he looks goo because he plays against sucky american mls teams if he goes to europe, he will end up like a piece of shit

  3. Chivas is the worst team i’ve ever seen.

  4. CombustingRatsEH

    Donovan is a beast

  5. Poor Dan :P

  6. therobbieunited

    Mls is fun tp watch.the one thing la galaxy keeper had to do he messed up,he is a serious weak link in defence!

  7. Landon Donovan as of September will be playing for the Serbian national team. Its said that hes changing his last name from Donovan to Donovanovic :P

  8. PiquefuckShakira

    Love my galaxy CALIFORNIA BABY

  9. PFC brate 🙂

  10. valongothenburg

    i think MLS is geting better and better ! more fun this year then last ! MLS fan from Sweden !

  11. maybe so, but that doesnt answer my question on why they look so dirty. no offense

  12. ChibTheFifaPlayer

    Chivas are so shit, jesus!

  13. 01firestarter10

    u mad bro? Red Star is a legendary club greatest in eastern europe, best fans, ucl tittle….

  14. So the Uunion has more.fans than the Galaxy + Chivas!! x3

  15. Chvas is such shit club it reminds me of Red Star Belgrade

  16. no joke. kennedy has been stunning.

  17. saunders is the worst keeper in the mls , he is shit.

  18. unknowsoldier714

    maybe because you have a racist mind no offense

  19. @Zelterman that’s like saying “Fat American”… no offense

  20. Amen, no joke

  21. haha straight up! and I’m even mexicna

  22. why do the Mexican fans always look so dirty? no offense.

  23. Great job Galaxy I’m glad I went to the game. It was really awkward sitting right by the black army (Chivas USA’s support group) haha 😀

  24. Mexico definitely has something to watch out for in their upcoming game against the United States. Nice job Donovan!

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