Chicago Fire 1×13 Promo “Warm and Dead” (HD)

Video clip Ranking: four / five

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  1. Jonathan Turbide

    Well after last night’s episode it’s clear that Shay see Severide as an older brother and it’s clear that she is still in love with Clarice.

    I hope Severide will be ok, the guy is really cool, great character.

  2. I kinda ship them a little^^ love them as a friendship too but it wouldn’t be bad if they could end up together.

  3. wow, I’m a bit surprised that some of us here secretly rooting for shay and
    I guess in a real world, lesbians can’t have guy friends that they won’t sleep with?
    or do lesbians end up with men in the end?
    oh well, then again this isn’t a real world, so anything can happen..
    anyway, I’m actually a big fan of their friendship, hope it stays that way.. oh and dawson/mills, I actually like seeing them together at least peter mills can be honest with her

  4. Oh my bad! Because I don’t look into what the writer’s been saying. Yeah I guess I see what I wanna see. Well I like them as best friends as well 🙂 It’s not like I really wanted them to be together, just my thoughts 🙂

  5. lawandordersvu1000


  6. i agree please put casey and dawson together and i love severide and shay friendship thats what u call true friend

  7. girlsnextdoorkendra

    It’s funny how you say it’s “obvious” when the writer said, a few days after the episode, that Shay doesn’t like Severide in that way and remains a lesbian. I guess you’re seeing what you want to see. Well, unfortunately time will disappoint you, because (spoilers) Clarice is returning. The *woman* Shay was crying over.

  8. girlsnextdoorkendra

    Sorry girls (or guys). Someone asked one of the writers on Twitter about the possibility of Severide and Leslie and he said it’s not going to happen and that Shay remains a lesbian. Clarice is returning for more drama, by the way. So no, Leslie is not secretly in love with Severide, doesn’t like men, and will be having more drama with her ex-girlfriend, since…you know…she’s a lesbian.

  9. Going to be good:)!!!¡!!!!¡

  10. Nopeeeeeeeeee!:)

  11. Anna Elizabeth Ramirez

    Casey & Dawson please!!!

  12. I’m all for Dawson and Mills. At least he isn’t playing with her feelings. Casey can go about his business. He blew his chance when he blew her off. And I don’t think there’s anything more going on with Shay and Severide other than the fact that they are best friends.

  13. He plays everyone’s dad in so many shows.


  15. Anna Elizabeth Ramirez

    Ohhh!! This is going to be amazing, I’m also a White Collar fan and watching Treat Williams as Kelly’s dad too it’s gonna be hard, cant wait for this episode!!

  16. TheAncientWritings


  17. severide isnt leaving and i think shay has feelings for severide and that dawson kissing mills i’m sick i want casey and dawson to get together but i want casey to really fight for dawson and let her know he truly has feelings for her

  18. Or am I blind? I’d like sooo much it was Casey 🙁 #DawseyTeam

  19. It wasn’t Casey… was Mills.

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